
Group 1 Blog #2

  "Group 1 Blog 2" SPC2608: Prof. Sinkoff Created by: Ana M. Prado For this project, I say mental health was the main idea. The concept I suppose. Originally, our topic was called "Improve and Care for People in Need of Mental Health". That was the title we chose to do since we can all relate one way or other to it and make things easier for us to interact with. Later on, we changed our topic to "Raising Awareness to Mental Health". We did this because it seem like it was getting too similar with the other topics, too repetitive. We can go on and on talking about mental health but we had to choose a title more precise to dwell on it. This was to present it to the "Annual Student Interdisciplinary Symposium" after all. This wasn't a regular class project, it had to be perfect. Creating a template for both our project and the agenda was quite easy to accomplish since I already had an idea in mind for it. I wanted to create little nurses saying

Blog Post #2

         Blog Reflection #2         Alessandro Lorenzo 3/24/2022 So,  we concluded our second set of presentations, and what a ride it was. The main theme for the presentations this time around revolved around mental health and disabilities, and I'm so glad we ended up covering this very broad yet incredibly important topic. I'm glad that, through our own research and presentations, we were able to shed some light on mental health and the factors that surround it. Every group delivered an excellent presentation as per usual. Originally, our (Group 1's) presentation topic was "Improving and caring for people struggling with mental health." However, since we were the last ones to present, we felt as though what some of the other groups were presenting was far too similar to our topic and what we had ready to present. Therefore, in order to not sound redundant or repeat something one of the other groups already covered we decided to change our topic ad start from sc

''A first-time Symposium experience''

‘’A first-time Symposium experience’’    When I think of all the accomplishments that I had experienced, all the wisdom that I had to acquire through every lesson; it just keeps me with the feeling of holding on board off to the next chapter of a new journey. That is how I felt when I heard about our most prominent event in class, the symposium. I have never attended an event of such magnitude, and as the professor was talking about it in class, I felt a rush of nervousness and excitement at the same time. The event was tremendous gratitude for a student to be part of such an event, whether a participant or just by being a viewer. Either way is a feeling of achievement that I'm sure most students feel because that is what school is for to develop your fullest potential and feel pleased with whatever you want to pursue after with a handful of knowledge. We had like a month and a week to prepare for the most significant event in our class, but the time seemed like a marathon for most

Alejandro Rodriguez Presentation #2 Refelction

      Presentation #2 Reflection         For our second presentation our topic was a little more serious than the first one. Mental health has been growing more and more in the last few years from an issue that was taboo to now being encouraged to talk about. It is a topic very important to me, so I wanted too really do it justice and focus on teaching any information to my fellow classmates. It was not just to my classmates but the whole school since we had to present again at the symposium. That definitely added some extra pressure to the presentation. Group 1 Before the symposium we had to present to our class. I thought that went very well. Being the last group to present we had to relay new information that wasn’t repeated while also making sure it was important enough to be included. We changed our topic feeling that it was too similar to another group and that gave us even less time to prepare. Everyone in the group presented their part very well. A part that I really en

Speech Presentations Blog

  Speech Presentations Blog Public Speaking is something that we do more often than we think. For example, when we speak in group settings with friends, this is considered to be a form of public speaking. I believe that everyone should take at least one speech class because you will always use what you have learned in real life situations. No matter what you want to major in, public speaking will benefit you, in both your career and personal life. We communicate with people everyday and this class helps us find ways to communicate effectively.  This is my second speech class that I take and I was very excited. I plan on majoring In Mass Communications, therefore everything that I learn in this class will help me excel in my career. Professor Sinkoff is also great at what she does! She gives very helpful tips and finds ways to make the class engaging for her students.  These past few weeks we had the opportunity to work on presentations with our fellow classmates on the chapters of th

Presentation Review Blog

 Presentation Review Blog      Public speaking is an essential skill to have in any profession or in overall life. I think this course  will be extra beneficial to me, since I think I’m not a good public speaker. I tend to get nervous  whenever I have to present to a group of people. Hopefully stepping out of my comfort zone will  help me get out of that bad habit. That first step happened when we were assigned to do a  presentation on the iSpeak book we will be covering this semester.   After finishing our group's presentation, and listening to the others, all I can say is: "What a great start to the semester!" All the presentations from the other groups were good. They provided their chapter’s contents very well and it was well made.                 As we were group 1, we presented first. Our group covered the first 3 chapters of the book. Coincidently, our group was the only group with 6 people, so we assigned 2 people in each chapter which was perfect. With Aless

iSpeak Chapter Presentations Reflection

  iSpeak Chapter Presentations Reflection   Where to start, Public Speaking is so incredibly important, and it’s a shame that it is often overlooked as a skill/ability. As Professor Sinkoff said – public speaking is an art, and it should be widely regarded as one. I chose to take this course because I would love to further my public speaking skills and knowledge in order to use them effectively throughout my career. Although I’m a Computer Science major and I may not need public speaking as much as a business or law student, it’s a skill that is sure to come in handy no matter what you decide to do. Eventually, you will want to present an idea or simply communicate with someone, and you will want to do in an effective fashion. Having the experience and the confidence to speak publicly and give presentations is beneficial in almost any job or field you can think of, and I could not be happier of where I am currently. Moving forward, I hope to keep improving and polishing my public speak