Presentation Review Blog

 Presentation Review Blog

    Public speaking is an essential skill to have in any profession or in overall life. I think this course

 will be extra beneficial to me, since I think I’m not a good public speaker. I tend to get nervous

 whenever I have to present to a group of people. Hopefully stepping out of my comfort zone will

 help me get out of that bad habit. That first step happened when we were assigned to do a

 presentation on the iSpeak book we will be covering this semester.

 After finishing our group's presentation, and listening to the others, all I can say is: "What a great start to the semester!" All the presentations from the other groups were good. They provided their chapter’s contents very well and it was well made.

                As we were group 1, we presented first. Our group covered the first 3 chapters of the book. Coincidently, our group was the only group with 6 people, so we assigned 2 people in each chapter which was perfect. With Alessandro’s wonderful leadership skills, we were well organized and able to finish without a hitch. With two people in each chapter, we organized the chapters in halves. It worked perfectly for chapter 3, my chapter since there was 4 key points in the chapter. Me and Alejandro, my partner for chapter 3, did the last and first 2 key points. Our group were presenting Friday, so we agreed to have two meeting dates on Saturday and Monday to be able to finish the presentation. When Friday came, we took almost the whole class for our presentation. During the presentations, everyone did a good job presenting their material. After the presentation, Professor Sinkoff really enjoyed the presentation. Not to brag, but she said our presentation was perfect and got an A+.

                Group 2 presented next covering chapter 4-6. Before their presentation started, they encountered some problems. Some people from the group didn’t show up and didn’t do their part of the presentation. Although that happened, they adapted and unexpectedly did a surprisingly good presentation. The main key point I got as a takeaway, was tips on how to improve your public speaking. Also another point I thought was good was the tips of how to go about an interview. There was many tips regarding preparing for an interview, which included starting your preparation early and not last minute. This basically describes me because I am a massive procrastinator. Also, the other tip to prepare for an interview is to identify the purpose. With knowing the purpose you can know what type of questions they might ask and prepare ahead of time. This presentation gave me great advice and they provided an overall good presentation

                With group 3 going next, they presented chapter 7-9. The main topics they covered was about delivering speeches and choosing your words. First starting off with Chapter 7: Delivering Speeches, group 3 provided great details like using active gestures and movement. Keeping engagement with the audience and making good eye contact seemed like import information that they provided us. Next they presented us the different kind of modes of delivering speeches, like memorized mode, or impromptu modes. Me personally, have presented with memorized mode. Although sometimes, I do make presentations last minute making my speeches technically impromptu. Next thing I remember was the video examples they gave. It gave a great overview and summary on how to make a proper speech.  Overall, their presentation was very well made and provided important information that can improve

 Finally with group 4 being the last group they presented chapter 10-12 and the appendix. The main takeaway I got from group 4’s presentation was the rhetorical principles. One was to relate the presenter to the topic, and the other was to relate the topic to the audience. Also, another important point of information for me was the goals for the audience, which were understanding, remembering, and then applying. Lastly, the last takeaway I got was the different types of speeches. There are speeches like speeches to inform, convince and inspire. Group 4’s presentation was well constructed with easy-to-understand information. Overall good job!

            Each presentation gave me new information that I thought was useful and will use moving forward in this class. I'll try to use the provided information and tips to improve upon myself to get better at public speaking. Overall after hearing all the presentations, I thought every group did a good job and can't wait for the next group project.





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