‘’An important tool you would not forget’’ 

            Public speaking (oratory) is the art of expressing what you want to share with an audience. Unfortunately, when we think about public speaking, most of us tend to reject the idea that a good outcome will come out of our speech. It could be probably because, sadly, we don’t see ourselves capable enough to direct good content that can reach the attention of the audience or knowledgeable that can change or inspire other people’s lives. From my experience, I used to think like this before even taking any speech class, even though I knew that I would need it because my major requires an 85% of talking and the other % is reasoning. I am referencing being an attorney. In my case, it was the struggle of the language and thinking that I wouldn’t be good enough to give a decent speech. After taking my first speech class, I was surprised by what you can be capable of just by having a different mentality. After a struggle with what I would believe was a mean professor, it helped me get the confidence that I lacked and taught me the advantages of having the skills to express and share opinions with any audience.  

Also, public speaking is not a matter of only acting professionally as if you want to impress the entire world, but sharing emotions that people may not expect in large business corporations, job careers, or any other public event. A large percentage of directing a speech is being able to connect with your audience, giving them a sense of why the matter is important for yourself and how it makes you feel. I believe that every person can satisfactorily communicate with others. The reason is easy because the speaker feels motivated, engaged, and enthusiastic. At some point, their life may have connected with the topic being given, which has inspired them to rise as future world-changer. 

            After taking speech classes and other courses related, scheming through many school books, and of course, experiencing daily everywhere people sharing in any form of communication, makes me confident in believing that such a good tool that we humans have as a voice is not something to be afraid or overwhelmed at all. As my current professor says, we excel in our courses if we simply are committed to doing well and being part of a team. As stated in some of the chapters of a helpful book about public speaking, your culture can influence how you interact and open socially with others. I was raised with a family very amicable with others. My grandma celebrated Christmas with all the neighbors from the entire building by making a big dinner. I am not sure how but she will always make sure that people feel welcome and pleasant. Although she never got the chance to study in her time, she would always make conversations and acquire knowledge out of you, just by sharing insights or opinions. The reason was that she was always eager to help others with her wisdom of life, maybe not academically, but the experience of love and caring. People listened to her because of her confidence to come out and inspire other people using an engaging tone and validity in her words. 

            Another topic that I wanted to talk about is the experience of working with others as a group. For a group to work well, you have first to feel motivated to open up to new people with different opinions and beliefs than yours, which can help shape our perspectives to work effectively in any class assignment. It is expected that at first, we feel kind of reluctant to expand our way of interacting with other classmates. Meaning that you probably do not feel the need to go beyond creating interest that you may later use to perfect how you can all work, for example, directing a speech presentation. A group should be able to use each strength to work towards a common goal, which in this particular case is to try to conduct an effective speech. That is why it is imperative to define each other’s roles and share the same enthusiasm for doing something meaningful, as it is necessary for an audience to listen and change perspectives. When you achieve success as a group, you learn to trust, support, manage emotion control, and develop respect for others. This is fundamental if you want to properly communicate with others in a formal way because you get the advantage to help each other when big presentations come out. 

            Lastly, I wanted to point out that public speaking gives you the confidence to get out of your comfort zone and bring out your full potential. You can only make this possible by having a different mentality of being capable of doing anything you are committed to achieving. Remember to always give your 100% in what you do, either if you do it alone or as a group. Express your criteria and opinion because you are encouraged to do so, and because you have your own voice, eager to be heard by others, and feel like a support bone that is missing in our society as a whole body. Some day in the future, you will see how professionally efficient you will be in any job you pursue because of the knowledge of how to reason and convey a compelling argument or conversation towards others. I hope that I have made a little impact on how you have considered public speaking now or before. Indeed, it is an essential tool that you hold for life. It is up to you to gather your own conclusions and learn from experiences that only make us enhance our knowledge and improve our skills everyday. Finally, do not forget to enjoy every second of the things you do, even if you are not considering them to be the case, believe me, it would work because it did for me!! 


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