
Showing posts from February, 2022

Speech Presentations Blog

  Speech Presentations Blog Public Speaking is something that we do more often than we think. For example, when we speak in group settings with friends, this is considered to be a form of public speaking. I believe that everyone should take at least one speech class because you will always use what you have learned in real life situations. No matter what you want to major in, public speaking will benefit you, in both your career and personal life. We communicate with people everyday and this class helps us find ways to communicate effectively.  This is my second speech class that I take and I was very excited. I plan on majoring In Mass Communications, therefore everything that I learn in this class will help me excel in my career. Professor Sinkoff is also great at what she does! She gives very helpful tips and finds ways to make the class engaging for her students.  These past few weeks we had the opportunity to work on presentations with our fellow classmates on the chapters of th

Presentation Review Blog

 Presentation Review Blog      Public speaking is an essential skill to have in any profession or in overall life. I think this course  will be extra beneficial to me, since I think I’m not a good public speaker. I tend to get nervous  whenever I have to present to a group of people. Hopefully stepping out of my comfort zone will  help me get out of that bad habit. That first step happened when we were assigned to do a  presentation on the iSpeak book we will be covering this semester.   After finishing our group's presentation, and listening to the others, all I can say is: "What a great start to the semester!" All the presentations from the other groups were good. They provided their chapter’s contents very well and it was well made.                 As we were group 1, we presented first. Our group covered the first 3 chapters of the book. Coincidently, our group was the only group with 6 people, so we assigned 2 people in each chapter which was perfect. With Aless

iSpeak Chapter Presentations Reflection

  iSpeak Chapter Presentations Reflection   Where to start, Public Speaking is so incredibly important, and it’s a shame that it is often overlooked as a skill/ability. As Professor Sinkoff said – public speaking is an art, and it should be widely regarded as one. I chose to take this course because I would love to further my public speaking skills and knowledge in order to use them effectively throughout my career. Although I’m a Computer Science major and I may not need public speaking as much as a business or law student, it’s a skill that is sure to come in handy no matter what you decide to do. Eventually, you will want to present an idea or simply communicate with someone, and you will want to do in an effective fashion. Having the experience and the confidence to speak publicly and give presentations is beneficial in almost any job or field you can think of, and I could not be happier of where I am currently. Moving forward, I hope to keep improving and polishing my public speak

Presentation Reflection

  Alejandro Rodriguez Public Speaking Presentations Reflection After hearing the other groups presentations along with feedback on my own I feel that I have learned a lot more about public speaking. Public speaking is a huge part of life for everyone. In any career you have to communicate with people. Now for some it's just a couple and for others it is a hundred or maybe even more. I want to be a journalist and part of being journalist is to talk to an audience even if I can’t see them myself. That can sometimes be easier not seeing everyone in front of me and would help me calm down my nerves and anxiety but at the same time for others it might be worse. Knowing that thousands if not more are watching you talk about whatever subject. The people are tuning in for the information you are giving them and as a journalist you have to be accurate to keep your journalistic integrity. It does not matter if you can speak without any mistakes if the information is wrong or having the r

Group 1 Blog #1

  "Group 1 Blog" SPC2608: Prof. Sinkoff Created by: Ana M. Prado Teamwork definitely makes the dream work! That's what this group is about. I have been in SPC1017 before I decided to take a similar course this semester again. I can honestly say these classes with Professor Sinkoff have been amazing! It has made me step out of my comfort zone a lot and helped me brand out my creative side. This class has it's a beautiful way to bring people together as one. To have everyone do their part and put together to create beautiful art! I knew the moment we all started working together that this was going to be an amazing team. So synchronized and well-organized. Very communicative as well! I can say that I'm very proud of how our project came out and couldn't have it any other way. The day we presented it beautifully flourished and it smoothly sailed to an A+ as our final grade. Let's talk about Group 2. I really really love how informative and well put it was. It
‘’An important tool you would not forget’’              Public speaking (oratory) is the art of expressing what you want to share with an audience. Unfortunately, when we think about public speaking, most of us tend to reject the idea that a good outcome will come out of our speech. It could be probably because, sadly, we don’t see ourselves capable enough to direct good content that can reach the attention of the audience or knowledgeable that can change or inspire other people’s lives. From my experience, I used to think like this before even taking any speech class, even though I knew that I would need it because my major requires an 85% of talking and the other % is reasoning. I am referencing being an attorney. In my case, it was the struggle of the language and thinking that I wouldn’t be good enough to give a decent speech. After taking my first speech class, I was surprised by what you can be capable of just by having a different mentality. After a struggle with what I would be